Tips for Long-lasting Bones in the Old Days

Talk about bone health is often discussed the fragility of bone in elderly people. Bone health in childhood and adolescence is sometimes forgotten. In fact, the future of our bones actually precisely determined at these times.

Eating one of the important bone-forming elements, namely calcium, like a deposit. We keep it since childhood and adolescence as a guarantee in the old days. So, before sorry, tabunglah calcium early on.
Bone fragility and pain inflicted is a big problem in this country. Ministry of Health noted, the prevalence of osteopenia (early osteoporosis) in Indonesia of 41.7 percent. That means two out of five of Indonesia's population at risk of osteoporosis.
That figure is greater than the prevalence of the world, which is one of three people at risk of osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is a systemic disease of low bone mass and micro building deterioration of bone tissue, characterized among others by fragility, vulnerability, until the cracks.
Osteoporosis is a common disorder of bone metabolism in adults. Later, there are many studies that look at root causes of osteoporosis found in childhood. Bones grow and reach its peak during adulthood.
Childhood is a critical period of bone development. By 45 percent growth in bone mass occurs at the age of 0-10 years. At that time, the bones grow lengthwise. As a teenager, about 45 percent of adult bone mass is formed up to before the age of 18.
\ "As adults, bone mass development continues until the age of 30 years \" says orthopedic specialist and Traumatology of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Lukman Shebubakar, in the event a media workshop titled \ "The Importance of Calcium Intake Fill in School Age Children to Optimize Growth \ "some time ago.
For men, the development of longer bones. While the time span of bone growth in girls more quickly.
In contrast, in old age the release of bone that speed exceeds the speed of bone production. The rapid loss of bone is influenced gender, lifestyle, genetic, and hormonal status.
In women who gave birth and menopause, the release of bone occurs more frequently. Women begin to lose calcium from their bones begin around the age of 40 years and men from age 60 years.

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Primary prevention of osteoporosis is to build maximum bone density during childhood and adolescence. Bone growth is influenced by the amount of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins, especially vitamin D is involved in calcium absorption. Another factor is hormonal balance.

Calcium is the main mineral-forming bone. Minerals also regulate muscle contraction and relaxation, is involved in nerve transmission, helps blood clotting, as well as regulate the body's hormones and growth factors. The amount of calcium around 2 percent of body weight. 99 percent is stored in bone and 1 percent in body fluids.
When there is a shortage of calcium, the body will take it from the bones. "Every day we've definitely lost as much as 170 mg of calcium lost in the process of secretion through sweat and urine. The lack of calcium intake at the age of children, adolescents, and adults will be felt just after entering old age" Lukman said.
Head of Standardization Development Food Consumption Directorate of Community Nutrition Ministry of Health and expert on nutrition, Iip Syaiful, said the figures set nutritional adequacy of the Ministry of Health for children aged 7-9 years is 600 mg of calcium per day and for children aged 10-12 years increased to 1,000 mg per day. Needs it more than doubled compared with the age of 4-6 years, ie 500 mg of calcium per day.
The problem, he said, one of the nutritional problems in children of school age is the deficiency of certain substances, including calcium.
When entering the age of six, children begin to show its ability to determine the choice of food and seeing the many food choices outside the home. Children begin to set up is not easy anymore. Also began seldom consumed milk.
Calcium absorption is also a problem when there is a deficiency of various other substances. He gave an example, deficiency of vitamin D in the active form may affect the absorption of calcium. Oxalic acid and phytic acid can also inhibit the absorption of calcium.
Excessive protein intake also causes calcium to be easily excreted through the urine. Likewise, mental and physical stress reduces the absorption of minerals. "Basically, every type of food has a role in balancing the input of nutrients daily. Consumption of food should be varied" said Iip.
To improve bone health, activities of the child's body should also be considered. Unfortunately, children are also increasingly limited movement, especially in big cities. Child more active at home and less active. In fact, the exercise effect on bone development.
Lukman said, some exercises to strengthen the bones of the simplest is walking, jogging, climbing stairs, and jump rope. Sports games, such as tennis, basketball, soccer, and volleyball, also good for bone. Prolonged exercise about 30 minutes with a frequency of more than three times in one week. For children, the exercise can be adapted to the habits of children playing. Congratulations play while saving calcium.

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