Abstinence Drinking Milk

Milk has many benefits. To get the best benefits of milk, make sure you pay attention to some rules in taking it. Some of these include:

1. Milk vs. Oranges
Give at least one hour break between drinking milk and eating fruits that are acidic, orange for example. Because, tartaric acid contained in citrus will freeze the protein in milk. As a result, milk protein absorbed by the body so it's hard.

2. Milk vs Sugar
We recommend not mixing fresh milk is still hot with sugar. Wait a bit cold, a new blend of sugar. Why? Because milk contains leucine (amino acid). When the sugar is mixed in hot conditions, leucine would react to leusine fructosyl (fluktosa radicals) which are toxic and can damage the body.

3. Vs. Milk Chocolate
Milk contains many protein and calcium, while chocolate contains oxalic acid. When both are consumed simultaneously, calcium will be non-soluble. This greatly affects the absorption of calcium. The result is the emergence of symptoms of dry hair, and a lot of waste water.

4. Milk vs. Drugs
Give at least one hour break between drinking milk with taking the drug. Because milk can affect the body in absorbing the drug. Milk, in this case, will coat the drug by forming a kind of membrane. Consequently the elements contained in milk, such as calcium, magnesium, etc. membantuk chemical reaction with the drug. This chemical reaction makes the material insoluble drugs in water. This affects the ability of the waste and absorption of the drug.

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