water salt for influenza

Erratic weather like right now: sometimes very hot, a minute later heavy rain, often influence the condition of our bodies. You've done various things to anticipate the arrival of the flu, such as adequate rest, eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and regular exercise. However, signs of the flu still appears, from the beginning sore throat, sneezing, feverish body up.

Experts recently revealed other traditional recipes that you may forget: gargling with salt water. This method has actually been done since the last decades, and not only able to relieve the symptoms of flu, but also help prevent it.

"A solution of salt can draw excess fluid from the inflamed tissue in the throat, thus making it not so sick," explains Dr. Philip T. Hagen, chief editor of the Mayo Clinic Book of Home Remedies to be published this October, as quoted by The New York Times.

Gargling will also thin the thick mucus, which can remove irritants like allergens, bacteria, and fungi, from the throat. In addition, according to research published in The American Journal of Preventive Medicine, people who gargled with salt water regularly will also decrease the upper respiratory tract infections by 40 percent (compared with those not rinse).

To begin implementing this habit, try to pour a half teaspoon of salt in warm water, in a medium sized glass. After that, gargle for a few seconds.

Here are various other benefits of Salt Water in addition to cough and flu

Salt water for Bath
Salt bath helps release toxins from the body. For detox baths and at the same time, you can use English salt, sea salt, or salt from the Dead Sea. These methods will help add to the process of detoxification through sweat.

Salt water to drink
ORS is a solution to treat diarrhea. If no oral rehydration salts, can also use sugar-salt solution, which is two teaspoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt dissolved in one cup of boiled water. The goal is to prevent dehydration

Salt water for sore teeth & reduce gingivitis
The techniques and ways of making the salt solution is
by mixing 3.75 grams of salt into 250 ml of warm water aquades or equivalent with a glass of ordinary drinking water.
Then shaken with a spoon until dissolved evenly. Gargling done for 1 minute by replacing the mouthwash twice '

Gargling with moving the muscles of the cheeks, lips and tongue to the maximum, after gargling try to not eat, drink or gargle with another solution for ± 1 minute. It is intended that the salt solution can react much longer against the inflamed tissue.

Gargling is done as much as 2 times a day ie morning after meals and at night before sleep for an unspecified time limit.
During use will likely cause some side effects like nausea to some people who are sensitive to the taste of salt, and can also cause mild irritation in the mouth if the concentration is too high.
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