Baby's Beverages

Equally important, beverages for babies must also be considered. In addition to enhancing the baby's body fluids and avoid dehydration, the baby drinks as well as a source of nutrients. Babies can be given a drink of milk, juice and water. Providing drinks for babies vary depending on the age of the baby tersebut.Susu is an important source of nutrients provided from the new baby is born. The first milk given to infants is breast milk and can then be interspersed with canned milk.

For infants aged 0-3 months, milk is the main food, and increasing age of the baby, then milk is a complimentary meal. Milk contains a wide range of nutrients that are good for brain development, the body, the immune system and bone.

The materials contained in the milk makes the baby can develop more rapidly. Currently there are a lot of packaging milk in the market with varying prices and composition, and dairy producers have been completed with a very complete nutrition, such as proteins, carbohydrates, lactose, vitamins, minerals, calcium and so forth.

The more expensive the price of milk, the more essential nutrients contained in it are essential for the development of the body. Manufacturers add various nutrients to milk in dairy products that can affect growth and development of infants, as well as to physical performance and memory. Avoid adding sugar into the milk because milk producers have added some sugar to the product.

In addition to milk, fruits also have a variety of important nutrients and natural. Various vitamins can be found such as vitamin C is good for baby's immune system, vitamin A for eye, D for bone health and so on.

You can give juice, or juice to your baby and no more added sugars. It should be remembered that the administration of fruit juice adjusted to the age of the baby. It would be nice if you consult the pediatrician first before giving your baby the natural juices from fruits.

The most important and should not be overlooked is the provision of water for your baby. Although milk and fruit juice have contained water, but water is still best to remove substances that are not useful that is not absorbed by the baby's body and excreted through urine and sweat.

Make sure that the drink is water that is not hot and not cold, so it does not affect the digestive system. If the baby is old enough you can also introduce the other beverage types, but still avoid giving soft drinks because in addition can cause a baby tooth is damaged, it can also cause your child hooked.

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