
onionGarlic bulbs in layers, so that he includes the type of plant bulbs. A bulb of garlic 8-20 cloves terdri (underdog). Inter-cloves separated by a thin skin and clay, thus forming a strong unity. If cloves split in two, in which there are institutions. Well, this institution will grow through the shoots of cloves. Some properties of garlic include:

1. High blood pressure
Take 2 cloves garlic, peeled. Minced cloves until smooth. Brewed onion mill with half a glass of hot water. Please drink two times a day.

2. jaundice
Prepare a garlic bulb, a piece of sugar cube of chicken eggs. Bulbs of garlic finely, then add the sugar cubes. Boil together 3 cups water to boil, stir, and strain. Drink 2 times (morning and evening) as much as two tablespoons a day.

3. wound
Garlic bulbs were burned, dip into coconut oil and finely crushed. Apply the results of the collision on the injured limb.
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